STD Prevention

STD Prevention
To minimise your risk of getting infected with an STD, observe abstinence or keep to one sexual partner.
Avoid having sexual intercourse if you are not ready. If you do have a partner, be faithful to them and they should also do the same (mutual monogamy).

Vaccines against Hepatitis B and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) are available. HPV causes cervical cancer and genital warts in women, and anal cancer and genital warts in men.
For Hepatitis B, a full course of vaccination consists of 3 doses, given at 0, 1 and 6 months. (Medisave – claimable).
For HPV, 3 doses are also required, given at 0, 2 and 6 months. (Medisave – claimable for women aged 9 – 26)
Vaccination is a safe and highly effective way to prevent infection.
Use of latex condoms with spermicide. Use of condoms is recommended for all forms of sexual contact, including oral intercourse.
HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis (HIV PEP). Even HIV can be prevented if appropriate measures are taken early. Medications are available for use after potential exposure to HIV. The success rate is high if medications are started within 72 hours.
Regular HIV and STD screening. The regular screening for STD or STI, and treating infections we find serve to reduce the risk our partners face. Since most STD or STI frequently do not display any symptoms – especially in the early stages – doing screening tests could be the only way an infection is picked up in time for treatment.