Iron Infusion Centre


We specialise in the treatment and management of iron deficiency.

Nuffield Medical, achieving Iron-Clad Health with you.


What is Iron Deficiency?

Iron deficiency occurs when the body doesn’t have enough iron, a mineral essential for making red blood cells.
When the body lacks sufficient iron, it cannot produce an adequate amount of haemoglobin, resulting in a condition known as iron deficiency anaemia.

How do I know if I have iron deficiency?

Some possible symptoms of iron deficiency are:

Fatigue & Weakness

Feeling tired and weak (even with adequate rest) occurs because iron is necessary for producing haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to cells throughout the body. Without enough iron, tissues and muscles may not receive sufficient oxygen, leading to fatigue and weakness.

Shortness of breath

Inadequate oxygen delivery to tissues can result in shortness of breath, particularly during physical activity or exertion.

Pale skin

Iron deficiency can cause a pale complexion, especially noticeable in areas such as the face, lips, and inner eyelids, due to reduced red blood cell production and decreased oxygenation of the skin.


Reduced oxygen supply to the brain can lead to feelings of dizziness or lightheadedness, especially when standing up quickly.


Insufficient oxygen reaching the brain may trigger headaches or migraines in some individuals.

Cold hands & feet

Poor circulation due to reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood can result in cold extremities.

Hair Loss

Iron deficiency can disrupt the growth cycle of hair follicles, leading to hair loss or thinning.

Brittle Nails

Iron deficiency can lead to brittle, spoon-shaped nails that may become concave or have raised ridges.

What may cause iron deficiency?

  • Chronic or excessive blood loss
  • Lack of iron in the diet
  • Pregnancy & breastfeeding
  • Inability to absorb iron

What can iron deficiency lead to?

Some possible conditions include:

  • Anaemia
  • Pregnancy complications Increased susceptibility to infections
  • Heart problems

Who is at higher risk of iron deficiency?

  • Women who menstruate especially if the period flow is heavy
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers (especially those who just gave birth)
  • Those who have undergone surgery/physical trauma
  • Vegetarians or vegans whose diets do not include iron-rich foods.

How does Nuffield Iron diagnose iron deficiency

Diagnosis through:

  • Medical history
  • Physical examination
  • Blood tests (ferritin, anaemia)
  • Further tests (if necessary)

Treatments and procedures

Book an Appointment Now!

It’s essential to diagnose and treat iron deficiency promptly to prevent these complications and improve overall health and well-being. If you suspect you have iron deficiency or are experiencing symptoms, consult a healthcare professional today