HIV Testing and Screening
HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus which attacks the human immune system. If left untreated, the immune system will eventually collapse. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), a series of symptoms and illnesses, occurs during the final stage of HIV infection.The earlier HIV is diagnosed, the earlier one can seek necessary treatment. Treatment helps HIV infected patients to enhance their normal and healthy life.
What is HIV Testing?
HIV Testing is the use of oral saliva or blood samples to detect the presence of HIV infection in the person through the detection of HIV antigens, HIV antibodies or HIV viral DNA/RNA.
HIV Test Singapore
Amongst various clinics that offer HIV tests in Singapore, Nuffield Medical Siglap is an approved rapid HIV testing clinic. We offer a range of HIV tests to provide accurate results based on the exposure.
Types of HIV Tests
Less than 3 days or 72 hours
Recommended HIV Test
No testing is available at this stage. You may wish to consider HIV PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) if you have had a high risk exposure, i.e. unprotected sex with a commercial sex worker or high risk contact, or needlestick injury from a IV drug abuser.
HIV PEP was shown to be >80% effective in reducing risk of HIV infection. In animal studies, when PEP is started earlier (<24 hrs) it is effective, with prevention rates reaching almost 100%.
10 - 14 days
Recommended HIV Test
HIV RNA/DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test
1 – 2 weeks
HIV Test Singapore Price
The HIV Viral PCR test looks for the presence of the actual HIV virus which will indicate positive infection by HIV.
28 days (4 weeks)
Recommended HIV Test
HIV P24 Antigen/Antibody Test
Turnaround time
1 – 3 days
HIV Test Singapore Price
Recommended by UK Guidelines in HIV Testing 2008 – conclusive at 28 days post exposure.
Rapid HIV P24 Antigen/Antibody Combo Test (4th Generation HIV Test)
Turnaround time
20 min
HIV Test Singapore Price
Fingerprick blood test
Which test is most suitable for me?
Despite many different HIV test to choose from, you can decide on one by considering these 2 factors:
1. HIV Blood Test Accuracy
The accuracy of each test depends on the window period which is the time between your exposure to the infection, and the time when HIV infection can be detected.
2. Turnaround time
Time taken for the results of HIV tests vary depending on the type of HIV test performed. It can be as fast as 20 minutes (HIV rapid tests), or 3 working days (HIV ELISA antibody tests) or even up to 2 weeks (HIV viral DNA/RNA).
You can choose the most suitable test depending on the time of exposure, and your urgency to obtain the results.
HIV Window Period
The HIV window period between the time the patient is infected with HIV and when the antibodies and other proteins associated with the virus is able to be detected in a rapid test kit.
What happens during a HIV Screening?
Patients are required to undergo a consultation and counselling session with their doctor before taking the HIV Screening test. We provide two types of HIV screening tests:
1. Blood test (Results: 24-48 hours)
2. Rapid blood test (Results: 20 mins)
What happens if I am tested positive for HIV?
At Nuffield Medical, if a patient is tested positive for HIV, the patient will be referred to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) for further confirmatory testing and management. It is recommended for the patient to proceed to NCID as they provide holistic management through confirmatory tests, counselling, services and advice for HIV positive patients.
Time from HIV Exposure
Less than 3 days or 72 hours
No testing is available at this stage.
You may wish to consider starting HIV PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) treatment if you have had a high risk exposure, i.e. unprotected sex with a commercial sex worker or high risk contact, or needlestick injury from a IV drug abuser within the last 72 hours. HIV PEP has been shown to be very effective (>80%) in reducing risk of HIV infection when started within 72 hours.
10 – 14 days
You may consider the HIV RNA/DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test if your exposure is longer than 11 days ago.
This test amplifies viral load from the blood, and it can detect small amounts of virus in a newly infected person. After infection, viral load is usually very high within the first 4 weeks and hence can be used to confirm early infection.
Indications for testing: To determine the HIV infection status in Individuals whose HIV screening test by ELISA is reactive, but whose status is undetermined or inconclusive by Western blot.
High-risk individuals with a negative serological screen and a history of recent exposure.
You will need to make an appointment in advance for this test. Results will take 7 – 10 working days.
14 – 28 days (2 – 4 weeks)
You may consider the following tests:
- HIV Combination P24 Antigen/Antibody Test
- 4th generation HIV P24 Antigen/Antibody Combo Rapid Test
If your exposure is longer than 16 days, the HIV P24 antigen/antibody test is recommended by UK Guidelines in HIV Testing 2008 – conclusive at 28 days post exposure.
You may also consider screening for other STDs/STIs.
More than 28 days (> 4 weeks)
If your exposure is longer than 28 days or 1 month, you can opt for the standard HIV Antibody Test.
You may also consider screening for other STDs/STIs.
Fore more information, call us for consultation